Removing older, dying trees and replacing them with newer, healthier ones is part of maintaining a healthy ecosystem in your yard. Sometimes, it seems like planting new trees is a challenge. However, planting new trees is possible if you consider the environmental impact, allow time for soil curing, and make your space good for new plants.
Consider the Environmental Impact
The soil where the tree has been removed will be different from the adjacent spots. These differences are often severe enough to impact new tree growth. Older trees often deplete the soil of critical nutrients and lower the water levels. If salts or other chemicals have been used to remove stumps or roots, the site cannot be used for growing new trees. You may also need to think of old tree roots or pathogens from diseased trees causing issues.
Give the Soil Time to Cure
Giving the soil time to cure after removing a tree can be beneficial, as it takes time for roots left behind to decompose. Microorganisms that help your tree roots decompose can make it difficult for new trees to take root. A new tree should be planted in the space only after at least a year has passed.
Use an Adjacent Space if You Don’t Want to Wait
Planting a new tree in an adjacent space can be a good idea if you don’t want to wait. There should be at least 5 feet between the old and new tree sites. The new tree won’t need to compete for nutrients, increasing its chances of thriving.
Condition the Space for a New Tree
If you don’t have the space 5 feet away and don’t want to wait, you can condition the area. All organic materials from the previous tree, like stump grinding debris, wood chips, and roots should be removed to deter microorganism growth. Adding compost to the site balances the soil and serves as a nutritional base. The new tree should receive as much care as possible so that it thrives.
Seek the Help of a Tree Expert
Careful planning is often necessary when you want to plant a new tree. Sometimes, the process can seem overwhelming if you’re pressed for time. From choosing the right type of tree to making sure the soil is in good condition, consulting with a tree specialist helps. Planting trees is important enough that you don’t want to take chances.
When you need tree removal or any other tree services in Sterling Heights, MI, just contact us at Turbo Tree Care.