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Tree Blog

An electric chainsaw is being used to cut down a tree that was killed by a hurricane in Florida.

How to Prevent Tree Damage With Storm Prep

Storms can potentially pose hazards for all trees, but vulnerable trees are at even greater risk. The type of storm also does not matter. During rainstorms, trees can be struck by lightning or uprooted by the wind. Snowstorms can result in branches breaking off and falling. The high winds from tornados and hurricanes can be responsible for uprooting trees and breaking off some of their branches. Tree damage can cause destruction to property and injury to people and animals, so it is important to storm prep your trees to prevent tree damage.

Inspecting Your Trees

The first step to storm-prepping your trees is to have an arborist perform a thorough inspection. During the inspection, the arborist will check for wounds, diseases, and tree damage. The arborist will also check that the root system is functioning properly and that the tree trunk is not rotting. Upon completing the inspection, the arborist will work with you to mitigate any problems that he or she finds to restore your trees.

Trimming and Pruning

The second step to storm-prepping your trees is to have an arborist trim and prune them regularly. Trimming and pruning your trees consistently ensures that they can remain free of any fungus or other diseases. During the trimming and pruning process, the arborist will remove diseased portions of the tree to ensure that the spread of such disease is halted. Dead branches are also removed during this process because allowing them to remain will hinder growth.

Trimming and pruning trees also improves air circulation and allows them to receive the maximum amount of sunlight to enable them to continue to thrive. The best time to trim and prune trees is during dormant seasons because tree wounds can heal quicker to promote new growth. Trimming and pruning while trees are dormant keeps them from catching certain diseases. Late fall and winter are considered dormant seasons.

Have Continual Maintenance

Finally, to make certain your trees can weather the storms, preventative care is key. Just as people need preventative care to remain healthy, the same is true for trees. Preventative care for trees includes soil fertilization, pest control, and root care. For the best results, set up a regular preventative care schedule with an arborist.

Healthier trees can weather storms much better than those that are diseased or damaged. So, it is vital that you remain ahead of the storm and make storm-prepping your trees a top priority. To storm prep your trees and get them ready for the storms that hit Sterling Heights, MI and the surrounding areas, contact Turbo Tree Care for storm services straight away.